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Excerpt from Upanishads

Here is an excerpt from the Upanishads, "The wise who have obtained devotion cast off the fruit of action, and released from the shackles of repeated births, repair to that seat where there is no unhappiness...The man who, casting off all desires, lives free from attchments, who is free from egoism, and free from the feeling that this or this is mine, obtains tranquility. This, O son of Pritha! is the Brahmic state; attaining to this, one is never deluded; and remaining in it in one's last moments, one attains the Bramic bliss."  This quote shows a conversation between a student and teacher. I chose this excerpt because it describes what a Hindu needs to do to achieve moksha. It says that one must remove suffering and desire to surpass the caste system to reach moksha and peace. It also describes the Hindu belief in reincarnation.

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